- Multi-Scale Partial Intrinsic Symmetry Detection
- Kai Xu, Hao Zhang, Wei Jiang, Ramsay Dyer, Zhi-Quan Cheng, Ligang Liu, Baoquan Chen.
- ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH Asia), 31(6), 2012.
- Scanning 3D Full Human Bodies using Kinects
- Jing Tong, Jin Zhou, Ligang Liu, Zhigeng Pan, Hao Yan.
- IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Proc. IEEE Virtual Reality), 18(4), 643-650, 2012.
- Variational Blue Noise Sampling
- Zhonggui Chen, Zhan Yuan, Yi-King Choi, Ligang Liu, Wenping Wang.
- IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 18(10): 1784-1796, 2012.
- Co-Segmentation of 3D Shapes via Subspace Clustering
- Ruizhen Hu, Lubin Fan, Ligang Liu.
- Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. Symposium on Geometry Processing), 31(5): 1703-1713, 2012.
- Local refinement of Analysis-suitable Tsplines
- Xin Li, jianmin Zheng.
- Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering , Volumes 213-216, 1-3,206-222, 2012.
- Variational Mesh Decomposition
- Juyong Zhang, Jianmin Zheng, Chunlin Wu, Jianfei Cai.
- ACM Transactions on Graphics (Siggraph), 31(3), 2012.
- Robust Interactive Image Segmentation Using Convex Active Contours
- Nguyen Thi Nhat Anh, Jianfei Cai, Juyong Zhang, Jianmin Zheng
- IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 21(8), 2012.
- Chunlin Wu, Juyong Zhang, Yuping Duan, Xue-Cheng Tai. Augmented Lagrangian Method for Total Variation Based Image Restoration and Segmentation Over Triangulated Surfaces. Journal of Scientific Computing, 50(1), 2012.
- Xuhui Wang, Falai Chen. Implicitization, parameterization and singularity computation of Steiner surfaces using moving surfaces. J. Symb. Comput.47 (6): 733-750 (2012).
- Jun Wang, Zhouwang Yang, Falai Chen. A variational model for normal computation of point clouds. The Visual Computer 28 (2): 163-174 (2012).
- Jiansong Deng, Kai Hormann, Misha Kazhdan. Geometric Modeling and Processing 2012. Computer Aided Geometric Design 29(7): 421 (2012).
- Jiansong Deng, Kai Hormann, Misha Kazhdan. Preface. Graphical Models 74(4): 75 (2012).
- Ghulam Mustafa, Jiansong Deng, Pakeeza Ashraf, Najma Abdul Rehman. The Mask of Odd Points n-Ary Interpolating Subdivision Scheme. J. Applied Mathematics 2012: 205863:1-205863:20 (2012).
- Mao Shia, Jiansong Deng. Approximating rational Bezier curves by constrained Bezier curves of arbitrary degree. CoRR abs/1212.3385 (2012). J. Applied Mathematics 2012: 205863:1-205863:20 (2012).
- Meng Wu, Jinlan Xu, Ruimin Wang, Zhouwang Yang. Hierarchical bases of spline spaces with highest order smoothness over hierarchical T-subdivisions. Computer Aided Geometric Design, 29(7): 499-509, 2012.
- Xin Li, Zhangjin Huang, Zhao Liu. A Geometric approach to Multi-degree spline. Journal of computer science and technology, Vol. 27(4): 841-850, 2012.
- Xin Li, T.W.Sederberg, Jianmin Zheng, T. Hughes, M. A. Scott. On linear independency of Tsplines blending functions. Computer Aided Geometric Design, 29(1): 63-76, 2012.
- Xin Li, jianmin Zheng. An alternative method for constructing interpolatory subdivision from approximating subdivision. Computer Aided Geometric Design, Vol 29(7): 474-484, 2012.
- Xin Li, Falai Chen. On the instability in the dimension of splines spaces over T-meshes. Computer Aided Geometric Design, 28(7): 420-426, 2011.
- Yong Jin, Qingbiao Wu, Ligang Liu. Unsupervised Upright Orientation of Man-Made Models. Graphical Models (Proc. GMP), 74(4): 99-108, 2012.
- Ibraheem Alhashim, Hao Zhang, Ligang Liu. Detail-Replicating Shape Stretching. The Visual Computer, 28(12): 1153-1166, 2012.
- Yin Xu, Ruizhen Hu, Craig Gotsman, Ligang Liu. Blue noise sampling on Surfaces. Computers&Graphics, 36(4), 232-240, 2012.
- Lubin Fan, Min Meng, Ligang Liu. Sketch-based Mesh Cutting: A Comparative Study. Graphical Models, 74(6): 292-301, 2012.
- Jinliang Wu, Xiaoyong Shen, Ligang Liu. Interactive Two-Scale Color-to-gray. The Visual Computer (Proc. Computer Graphics International), 28(6-8), 723-731, 2012.
- Yong Jin, Qingbiao Wu, Ligang Liu. Aesthetic photo composition by optimal crop-and-warp. Computers&Graphics, 36(8): 955-965, 2012.
- Licai Guo, Zhangjin Huang and Naijie Gu. A Paralllel NURBS-based Isogeometric Analysis Framework on Multi-core CPUs. Journal of Computational Information Systems, 8(16): 6549-6600, 2012.
- Qi Lou, Ligang Liu. Curve intersection using hybrid clipping. Computers&Graphics (Proc. Solid Modeling International), 36(5): 309–320, 2012.